1st Lt. Bernhard Frerking (+ June 6, 1944) - German Forces | Gallery

1st Lt. Bernhard Frerking (+ June 6, 1944)

1st Lt. Bernhard Frerking (December 1, 1912 - June 6, 1944) of 352nd Infanterie-Division. Along with his remaining men executed during surrender by American troops at WN62/Omaha Beach - Easy Red Sector.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/51907/1st-lt.-bernhard-frerking-(+-june-6-1944)

Again, the lack of additional info is unhelpful, and one has to wonder if this was posted by the same person who told us about the "Beast of Omaha." A quick Internet search revealed only that "the Beast" claimed Frerking was his commanding officer and that Frerking does seem to have died on June 6.