1st SS Panzer Division - German Forces | Gallery

1st SS Panzer Division

The 1st SS Panzer ( Leibstandarte Adolph Hitler ) was an elite branch of the Waffen SS. Initially formed as an armed bodyguard for Hitler, it later stood out as an outstanding armored unit. Besides undergoing a very rigorous military training program, the men were also subject to political indoctrination training.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/55897/1st-ss-panzer-division

Judging by the chassis, the tank appears to be a Panzer III, Ausfuhrung A. Only 10 were built in 1937. They were issued to Panzer units but were withdrawn by February, 1940 due to having only 15mm. armor. Note the added bolted-on front armor and Notek light.

Reenactors. The tracks and wheels are that of a FV432 or similar tracked vehicle. The chassis of this replica seems to be trying to mimic a Ausf. L(!?).