2 Waffen SS Hauptsturmfuhrers - German Forces | Gallery

2 Waffen SS Hauptsturmfuhrers

https://www.facebook.com/World-War-Colorisation-790508287736232/ 2 Waffen SS Hauptsturmfuhrers officer with a lot of medals and distinctions. (I don't encourage to nazi ideology)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/54798/2-waffen-ss-hauptsturmfuhrers

Right hand officer - Iron Cross, Second Class and Eastern Front Medal (ribbons); Iron Cross, First Class; Close Combat Clasp in Bronze; Infantry Assault Badge; Wound Badge in ??Gold; General Assault Badge. Left-hand officer - German Cross in Gold; Iron Cross, First Class; Close Combat Clasp in ??? Gold; General Assault Badge. I have doubts about the colorization, in particular, of the left-hand officer’s Close Combat Clasp, and the right-hand officer’s Wound Badge. Wound Badge in Gold is certainly possible - but it was a relatively uncommon award. The Close Combat Clasp in Gold was as rare as hen’s teeth. The Close Combat Clasp was perhaps the highest grade of service/combat awards in the Wehrmacht, and the number of awards at “Gold” level was small. Without checking as to recorded recipients (possible) or seeing the original b/w photo, I still believe that this is more likely a “Bronze” award, like that of the r/h officer’s. Open to correction/enlightenment, of course … JR.