2nd try: How objective you think YOU are?


After my complete failure with the thread “Do YOU have an agenda?”, I whould like to give it another go. I guess due to the lack of my writen English communicational skill, I formulated the thread subject uncorrectly. As the result poeple, instead of talking about themself, kept bringing up Hitler and Stalin in to the coversation.

Lets see if it works this time. I hope that the subject line is clear and unambiguous this time.
My oppinion can be found in the previous thread: Do YOU have an agenda? But I could repeat it, if it’s necessary.

Please express you thoughts and feelings regrading your personal objectivness towards historical subjects we deal in this forum. But please remember to focus not on this subjects itself, but on your perception of them.

N.B: Please! Stay on the subject and if you do not want to write about your self, then PLEASE do NOT leave any comments in here and give space to others. I beg you.

Best regrads
Igor Korenev

Let me help!

Objective is definded by:

undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena; “an objective appraisal”; “objective evidence”

As per the definition, I would say 90% of the time this is me. I go off on my own personally biased views everyonce in awhile but I alway try to remain objective in the search for the truth in issues. Even when they force me to rethink issues I was pretty solid on for sometime. The definition is the mark of a true historian!


I think you and I are pretty similar then on our approach … wouldnt you say?


Gen.Sandworm: Thanks for the good start! :slight_smile:

I admit, I am not objective about a lot of things that I learn about WWII. I am biased about any successes Hitler might have had because I think that any of these so-called successes are completely outweighed by what I see as his evil schemes and horrible deeds, carried out by his psychopathic evil SS minions, to put it quite simply. :wink: I am also biased in my perspective of WWII as it relates to both women’s treatment and women’s contributions because I am, of course, a woman, and I think women rock! I’m not sure that anyone can be completely objective about WWII. I have the capacity to be openminded, but not completely, 100% objective. I learn about WWII because I am emotionally invested in it from a lot of angles. I don’t claim to be a historian, just an interested party, so I don’t feel that I have to be 100%objective, thank heavens! It would be very difficult to do that, at least for me. That’s not to say that I am not respectful of other people’s backgrounds, experiences and opinions. I like to hear what other people think and feel about issues, whether they are objective about them or not. I hope this is the type of answer you were looking for. It tried to answer the way you had requested. I have a question for you, though, what are you hoping to learn from this thread? (not being sarcastic, I really am interested in hearing your answer)

After my complete failure with the thread "Do YOU have an agenda?

:rolleyes: …Try to dont take the thing so serius , you will live longer.

In regard to your new topic…Yes I am extremely objetive.


I take it all with a smile, I can assure you. That is why I saying with a friendly smile again: “People that think they are extremely objective scarry my but off!” :wink: I mean it…

Francesca, I will answer a bit latter to you. And thanks for the very honest and meaningfull answer. It is the first one so far that goes extra mile without trying to present yourself in a better light. Thanks!