3 hardcore SS - German Forces | Gallery

3 hardcore SS

ccc and all , cant see what it says on cufftitle, and what is it for badge or something above the cufftitle

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/37044/3-hardcore-ss

The badge is a “Trade Badge” showing competancy in a particular specialist task.
This one is for a Coxwain, presumably he had skills for transporting men and supplies across rivers etc.
Most SS trade badges were diamonds, this is the only one that was not of that shape as far as I know.
I’ve never seen one being worn before - Nice!

Interesting to note, One on left is wearing what appears to be the Tank Combat Badge, the middle guy; General Assault Badge and the one on the right, the Infantry Assault Badge