305mm coastal gun - Finnish Forces | Gallery

305mm coastal gun

Finnish 305mm coastal gun. Nine of these guns were part of the coastal defences of the Bay of Finland. Some of them were made as twin coastal gun turrets.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/finnish-forces/36809/305mm-coastal-gun

Where did this gun come from? Could it be a German gun? I read that many guns found it’s way to Finland from Germany after WW1, especially during the Finnish Civil War. Could this be one of them?

Or did Finaldn have the capacities to build them?

I think lots of finish heavy coastal artilery vas made in pre- revolution Russia, somme, I think, in Obukhovski steel plant. This gun looks like 356 mm/52 (14") Pattern 1913