3rd Shock Army snipers - Soviet Forces | Gallery

3rd Shock Army snipers

Female snipers of the 3rd Shock Army, 1st Belorussian Front (left to right). 1st row - Guard Staff Sergeant, VN Stepanov: 20 kills. Guard Sgt JP Belousov:80 kills. Guard Sgt AE Vinogradov: 83 kills. 2nd row - Guard Lieutenant EK Zhibovskaya: 24 kills. Guard Sgt KF Marinkin: 79 kills. Guard Sgt OS Marenkina: 70 kills. Third row - Guard Lieutenant NP Belobrova: 70 kills. Lieutenant N. Lobkovsky: 89 kills. Guard Lieutenant VI Artamonov: 89 kills. Guard Staff Sergeant MG Zubchenko: 83 kills. 4th row - Guard Sergeant, NP Obukhov: 64 kills. Guard Sergeant, AR Belyakov 24 kills Date taken: 04/05/1945

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/soviet-forces/39311/3rd-shock-army-snipers

Great photo!

A couple of them are cuties. But the one on the far right in the front row? As Austin Powers would say, “that’s a man, baby!”

At home in Soviet Russia, we have saying. “Women are like bus’s…” thats it!