40:1 - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery


The poster was popularized by the music band "Sabaton".It sings many songs about Polish soldiers in 1939.What is more this band in not Polish.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/art/28552/40:1

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…didn’t you notice that national stereotypes are a little bit true in reality?
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I agree with you that,a logical way of thinking is much more useful than feeling too hanourable.The honor made that the Poles lost their country in 1795.It also made that,in 1939 Poland collapsed in 28 days.The matter of honor even managed to make that marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigły located his armies on the Western border with Germany in 1939.This spreading the forces was the matter of honor-not logical way of thinking.
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…I think Schuultz that you present someone like Franz Halder…so i would like to call you “Halder”.I hope you are not angry : )
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…I mean that you always and only take into consideration the current possibilities,conditions,reactions-you think logically like…but for you something like HONOR and sacred duty for country don’t make any special matter(but you tolerate it,of course)…so I think that you would be a could commander in WW2.You are a strategist…so I want to call you “Halder” : )
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Besides,I remember all your comments and I think that my nickname for you is justified.For me,you are a typical positive Prussian,(judging by your comments)
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…backing to Wizna 1939…it was the matter of honor so…they didn’t think about strategy and prefered to die and become heroes.On the other hand,they were not aware what the Blietzkrieg was.
…so they had to die…but the attitude 40:1 made that they are heroes now.
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…with respect “Halder” : )

My bad, Ardee, I thought you meant the Battle of Salamis.<br /><br />

I stand to my previous arguments, though.

Schuultz – the naval Battle of Artemisium took place simulteneously with the Battle of Thermopylae, and was in fact instigated by the Greeks’ blocking of the pass: Xerxes has want to do a landing behind the Greeks, to try and catch the Greeks between the two forces. Finding the Greek Navy blocking their path between the mainland and an island, the Persians sailed part of their fleet around the island, and were caught by a storm and suffered heavy loses – IIRC, every ship sent on that particular mission was lost. The Greeks were sheltered from the storm, and fought with the Persian navy for 1-2 days. I believe the events you are referring to as a “successive naval battle” is the Battle of Salamis, which was a different engagement all together.