427 Squadron Wartime Log - May 1944 - British Forces | Gallery

427 Squadron Wartime Log - May 1944

12/5/44 Weathers Fair becoming cloudy. Wind light at first becoming westerly at five to ten m.p.h. Visibility moderate to good. For the fourth day in succession the Squadron was called upon for operations. Fourteen aircraft were supplied with ease to bomb the night's objective which was LOUVAIN. All aircraft successfully took off and completed their mission. There was no cloud over the target but a great deal of ground haze was experienced. All crews reported an explosion on the target that seemed larger than any seen before. Tke attack was considered to be a very good effort. greetz,brummbar

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/british-forces/46529/427-squadron-wartime-log-may-1944

During the war some 18000 mostly civilians were killed by both German(V1/V2’s included) and Allied bombing(whole of Belgium).That’s around 20% off all Belgian casualties (1940 to 1945).