46(m)haa regiment royal artillery hobbs barracks 1952 -1955

Hi there, I am very new to this so here goes anyway. I was in the WRAC stationed at Hobbs Barracks between the above dates. Yesterday I saw request for anyone who knew anything about the above Regiment. He signed “CANBERRA MAN” but think his name was Ken. Would love to have a chat, believe he was N.S. and was demobbed in 1950. I was in the regiment when it was disbanded in the early 50s. I:m sure he will think the reason for this is really hillairious. Also anyone know the where abouts of Joyce Mairns (SCOTTISH) or Lilian Perks From the North of Eng:. WE were great friends but lost touch when regiment was disbanded. I now live in Tasmania and have done for over 40 years. Heres hoping Beryl

Hi Beryl.
Yes, I was demobbed in 1950 and three months later I had signed on in the Royal Air Force. Ended up electrical fitter with 617 Squadron (The Dam Busters) worked on Avro Lincolns and then the Canberra. On 46th I did two practice camps and had a hand in the Bristol docks strike for four weeks. The 46th was a bit of dead regt in my time, the officers and NCO,s just didn’t seem to have any go. The difference in the RAF is one was a person and not a number. A nice time was had in Malaya for six months dropping thousand pounders on the commies. Tell me some of the names from your time it might ring a bell.


Is there anyone out there from the 46th. I can pick up my RAF threads, what happened to the Royal Artillery?

Ken Garner