.50 Caliber Anti-Aircraft Gun - US Marines | Gallery

.50 Caliber Anti-Aircraft Gun

The Working End of a .50 caliber anti-aircraft Gun. Note that a 90mm Gun is right behind it. With the Marine 9th Defence Battalion on Rendovo, July, 1943. (scanned by HOS Bandit)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-marines/33651/.50-caliber-anti-aircraft-gun

Yes brummbar, its NW of Guadalcanal. It’s one of the islands that make up the “Slot” in New Georgia Sound. It’s part of the New Georgia group of islands, the othjers being; New Georgia of course, Kolombangara, Vangunu,Gatukai, and several smaller isles.

Must have been hard work and not much (or no)protection.Rendovo,is that on the Solomon Islands,Hos Bandit?