5th SAS (Belgian SAS Company) - Other Forces | Gallery

5th SAS (Belgian SAS Company)

5th SAS (Belgian SAS Company) jeep in North West Europe in 1944-45.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/other-forces/36492/5th-sas-(belgian-sas-company)

An exemple of this vehicle is on display at the Belgian Army Museum in Brussels.The machine gun ammo-drums look a lot like the ones the French used in their Panhard armored car(Reibel or Chattelleraut machine gun,MAS=Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Etienne=Weapons Factory de Saint-Etienne France)if I remember correctly)I have such a drum,that was recovered by the father(then a young boy in 1940)of a friend of mine.He saw that retreating troops dropped ammo and stuff in the water of the Dyle(near Werchter,central Belgium).After they had gone he dived in and retreaved a full ammo-drum.Because it stayed in the water for a very short time ,it is in perfect condition,only the leather strap has come loose at one end of the grip.I’ll try to post a photo later on.Greetz,Brummbar

In which operations did the Belgian SAS soldiers take part?