6th of June

May I propose a toast?
To those who crossed the channel 61 years ago today: to those who returned, and to those who stayed behind.
Thank you.

They shall not grow old as we that remain grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
we will remember them.

We WILL remember them.

We have borned free thanks to your sacrifice.

Rest in Peace.

Rest in peace.

Well im a bit late but this goes out to all those Brits, Canadians, and Americans that stormed the beaches of Normandy. Thank you. Many never known. Some have given their experience. My heart goes out to all of you. It was not the greatest battle of WW2 but it was the begginning of the end of the NAZI empire. Thanks to all of you from all the nations. We won together. 61 years ago today.

RIP Soliders of the cause.

its good that no one dare to wake up hitler :smiley:
and its also good that he decline to put panzer tank in normandy and force rommel to suicide