7 Day Theory (Tupac Related)

I know we have some 2pac fans here so i found this and decided to post. Has anyone else ever heard of the 7 Day theory? Until just today, I hadnt. Its really quite intriuging. What do you guys make of it?

: : : 7 Day Theory : : :

1 2Pac died on Friday the 13th…

2 Tupac “died” in Las Vegas which is a payoff city, meaning all sorts of folks have been known to be on the take. That means doctors, press, lawyers, etc.

3 The white Cadillac containing the assailants was never found… How could this be when Vegas is in the middle of a desert?

4 There’s a small Black community on the North side of town… This strip is only about 8 blocks long… If the attackers were Black… Where did they go? Where did they hide?

5 The white Cadillac containing the gunmen passes a entourage of Tupac’s boys, many of them body guards… No one gives chase and there are no witnesses…There were no witnesses on the street… How come? Why not, especially right after a heavyweight fight?

6 The name of 2Pac’s new album is Makaveli… He was an Italian war strategist who advocated faking one’s death to fool their enemies… Tupac studied Machiaveli in depth while in prision was a fan and had read his books several times. Perhaps 2Pac is taking his advice…

7 Makaveli wrote two books before his death. Look at what the All Eyez on Me disks are called…

8 The cover of 2Pac’s latest album, Makaveli has 2Pac looking like Jesus Christ… Could he be planning a resurrection? 1

9 Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert. How come there was no helicopter chase? If some one were to rob a casino, the LVPD would’ve chased you down with some helicopters… . How come this didn’t happen with 2Pac shooting?

10 2Pac was cremated the day after he died… Since when does someone get cremated the day after a murder?

11 There were no ballistic tests in the murder case… At least we haven’t heard about them…

12 Las Vegas is still very much a mob town… No one gets killed on the strip… You have to pretty much get permission in order for something like this to happen. Who was calling the shots on this one?

13 2Pac’s vehicle got shot 12 times and Suge didn’t get hit once… He was ‘grazed’ by a bullet… Why did 2Pac get shot all those times and Suge did not get hit?

14 Suge said he drove 2Pac to the hospital and they had a coherent conversation? How bad was 2Pac hit? In addition to all this … there are conflicting stories claiming that Quincy Jones’ daughter was in the back of the car… and then she wasn’t… what’s the deal for real?

15 2Pac has completed 2 movies and 3 LP’s that have yet to be released… With so many people upset about 2Pac’s death, literally anything connected with him is bound to net a whole lot of cash…

16 I have heard that there is a 72 million dollar life insurance policy on him which has yet to be cashed. No legal actions could be taken against him as long as it isn’t cashed.

17 2Pac’s video ‘I Ain’t Mad At Ya’ foretold his death …

18 2Pac always wore a bulletproof vest but for some strange reason he didn’t wear one this time… why not?

19 The memorial services that were open to the public were canceled in both Los Angeles and Atlanta…

20 In addition to number 19, Tupac said in his song “Life goes on” from his “All Eyez on Me” CD, that when he died he wanted “every rapper” to rap at his funeral, etc. Why didn’t Death Row fulfill his death wish?

21 In a 1994 interview with Tupac, he said before he went to prison that if he was ever sent to prison when he came out he would be worse than before. He was. He also said when he came out it would be like he was reborn. Was he speaking literally? He already died and he was worse when he came out of jail, plus Tupac switched his rapping name from 2 Pac to Makaveli, that could be considered a rebirth, all that’s left is a physical rebirth (A sighting) and so far he’s already completed more than half of this prophecy.

22 Suge Knight and 2Pac are the only two music industry people on that high a profile with enough balls to pull off a stunt like faking death…

23 The producer on the new Makaveli album is simply “SIMON.” This was the apostle who helped Jesus carry the cross and one of the first to witness his resurrection. Could Suge be SIMON?

24 Lyrics on the new album have themes of death and resurrection. Specifically, on track 5 ‘Blasphemy’, he says, “Brotha’s getting shot and coming back resurrected.” On track 9 ‘White Man’s World’, he says,“My time away just made perfection, you think I’d die?”

25 People close to Death Row and relatives of other famous rappers have speculated to me and others about the shooting being staged.

26 Why wouldn’t a company as powerful and rich as Death Row Records not put up a reward to find the killers?

27 Other possible clues are contained in the new album. It is called “The Don Killuminati: The 7 day theory” which is still a mystery in definition. Inside the cover, it reads “Exit: 2pac, Enter: Makaveli” as if 2pac has died and Makaveli born. There is also the mysterious ‘SIMON’(refer to #23)

28 Why have Suge Knight and the rest of his entourage been so uncooperative with police in solving the murder?

29 He was shot on September 7th and survived on 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and died the 13th. This could explain the 7 day theory. His age(25) adds up to 7 (2 + 5). Tupac was gunned down exactly seven months after All Eyez on Me was released. Even his time of death, 4:03, adds up to 7 (4 + 0 + 3).

30 Since his death, there have been numerous reports of Tupac sightings.

31 On track five on the Makaveli album the voice at the begining says “And if the Lord returns in the coming seven days, then we’ll see ya next time.”

32 The first video released off “R U Still Down” was “Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto”. In this video, when 2Pac & another lady go into a hotel room, they very clearly show the hotel room number of 7 on the door.

33 Also, in the diner the clock shows 4:03. This is the time of 2Pac’s death.

34 In the movie, “Gang Related,” Tupac and Belushi wait in room 7, and Tupac’s badge number is 115; 1+1+5=7.

35 Tupac breaks the mirror with the bat in the, “Toss It Up,” video which is seven years bad luck.

36 On the song, “White Man’s World,” if you listen very closely at the beggining, there is a voice in the background saying, " 7 years, 7 years, 7

37 Since Tupac “died” in 1996, there are rumours that say that this means, according to the 7-theory that he would return in 7 years, this would be in 2003.

38 There is said to be one witness that was willing to cooperate with the police, and the investigation team, but this witness was killed before she/he could say anything about the killers.

39 At the end opf the song hail marry you can hear a voice calling
"he’s alive 'he’s alive. you can hear it when the song is playing 3 minutes and 22 seconds and 3+2+2is the magical number of 7.


If you believe that some of it is credible and some isn’t, please say so in your post. I forgot to add that to the poll and I can’t chaange it :frowning: .

Ya I have heard about this rumor. I have not heard of it in such detail though. Well, we will never know. At least not now anyway.

Who is Tupac? And why has he taken the place of Elvis?

well if he were to make a comeback then surely it would have been

7 years later
or 2005 2+5=7

But no show yet!

Still I think it sounds a bit like the Elvis thing, and Marketting and stuff from Death Row love this mystery so they will willingly add to it in order to make the myth grow and record sales increase.

Still if he comes back its going to be an awesome media event!

You dont know who Tupac is? Tupac Shakur ( June 16th 1971 - September 13th, 1996 ) One of the most influential and best selling Rap artist of all time. He was gunned down, but controversy exists on who his assassins were and why they were never persued/found and charged.

You dont know who Tupac is? Tupac Shakur ( June 16th 1971 - September 13th, 1996 ) One of the most influential and best selling Rap artist of all time. He was gunned down, but controversy exists on who his assassins were and why they were never persued/found and charged.[/quote]

Thanks for the info, I thought Eminem was the best rapper of all time?

Mind you i dont believe a word of it and agree with Bluff on this one.

You dont know who Tupac is? Tupac Shakur ( June 16th 1971 - September 13th, 1996 ) One of the most influential and best selling Rap artist of all time. He was gunned down, but controversy exists on who his assassins were and why they were never persued/found and charged.[/quote]

Thanks for the info, I thought Eminem was the best rapper of all time?

Mind you i dont believe a word of it and agree with Bluff on this one.[/quote]

Eminem? Bloody hell! Hes the worst rapper out there (if you can even call him a rapper!) Have you listened to his lyrics? most of it is completely meaningless shit trying to rhyme (well somesongs are not too bad) . Anyhow, I dont think I believe it either, but it is kindoff odd that he keeps on producing new albums long after hes dead.[/i]

I wouldnt say Eminem was talentless, hes made an aweful lot of money out of his talent! Credit where credit is due, “Mosh” is an oK song
and he can fit lyrics to a Bass loop and a riff. - Just about all you need for a loud obnoxious Hip Hop tune. thinking of DMX and Ja Rule!

Mosh lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/eminem/mosh.html

Imagine it pouring, it’s raining down on us
Mosh pits outside the oval office
Someone’s tryina tell us something,
Maybe this is god just sayin’ we’re responsible
For this monster, this coward,
That we have empowered
This is Bin Laden, look at his head noddin’
How could we allow something like this without pumping our fists
Now this is our final hour
Let me be the voice in your strength and your choice
Let me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noise
Try to amplify the times it, and multiply by six…
Teen million people, Are equal at this high pitch
Maybe we can reach alqueda through my speech
Let the president answer a higher anarchy
Strap him with an Ak-47, let him go, fight his own war
Let him impress daddy that way
No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our own soil
No more psychological warfare, to trick us to thinking that we ain’t loyal
If we don’t serve our own country, we’re patronizing a hero
Look in his eyes its all lies

He is no Dylan, but for popular protest song hes in the same vein as alot of others and doing it better!

Yeah Mosh is an ok song. But anyway, if anyone thinks this whole Tupac Conspiracy is freaky, have you heard the 9/11 one?

It was a big white panda that killed Diana! heard that one?
Then Again I heard it was drugs that killed her, Speed and crack?

Shall we start a conspiracy theory thread.

I lost you with the Diana thing but i think a Conspiracy thread would be interesting

Have you heard that the PWRR are changing their symbol from a tiger to a jaguar?

A mangled one of course :lol:

Have you heard that the PWRR are changing their symbol from a tiger to a jaguar?

A mangled one of course :lol:[/quote]

:lol: I havent, where did you find that?

Have you heard that the PWRR are changing their symbol from a tiger to a jaguar?

A mangled one of course :lol:[/quote]

:lol: I havent, where did you find that?[/quote]

I made it up… :smiley:

Thats nasty! as sin!
and my new favourite sick joke
besides I heard it was a Merc, Princess Di was classy she wouldnt be seen dead in Jag

Being white workingclass and British Tupac did’nt do it for me. In fact I find the whole gangsta rap thing amusing. If you want to rattle on about guns , bitches and ho’s join the Army.

Did’nt Tupac train as a Ballet Dancer in Baltimore before moving to the west coast and becoming a gangsta rap superstar, Tu tupac now theres a name

I’ve seen a few of Tupacs movies ( Grid Locked, Gang Related and the one with Janet Jackson ) and he was quite a good actor.

If your interested in the Tupac conspiracy, check out the Nick Broomfield documentary Biggie and Tupac, It’s well worth a watch.

I do actually like some rap Fear of a black planet and It takes a nation of millions by Public Enemy or Straight out of Compton by NWA are in my CD collection and are often played I also have a bootleg tape of the Last Poets live in Liverpool ( being a bit mature at 44 I prefer to kick it old school) Chuck D is a man I admire. Eninem makes amusing videos but lacks substance( except for Mosh) although Lose yourself is listenable I prefer him with D12 Purple Pills and How Come spring to mind.

The only reason Eminem is even a success is because of one reason, HE IS WHITE, when he started out he was a controversy with his explicit lyrics, even more hardcore than today’s “gang banging” rapper. Most of which aren’t even part of gangs, it’s all an image. Most of them were born in good neighborhoods or the better parts of moderate ones :?

Yes and the fact that he has his head right up Dr Drae’s butt. Like I said Tu Pac trained as a ballet dancer in Baltimore before becoming a Gangsta Rapper. It’s all as real as wrestling on TV.

LoL well said man :stuck_out_tongue: