7. Rohamtüzér Osztály StuG G [HR] - Hungarian Forces | Gallery

7. Rohamtüzér Osztály StuG G [HR]

7. Rohamtüzér Osztály - (7th Assault Gun Battalion) The 7th Assault Gun Battalion replaced the 1st Assault Gun Battalion with the First Army in August 1944 after undergoing training in Germany with their new StuG G assault guns. In late September they were moved from the northwestern border with the Ukraine to the Transylvania border to take part in the defence against the Soviet invasion. There, their 2nd Battery made a famous counterattack against the Soviet 18th Tank Corps near Királyhegyes, knocking out twelve Soviet T-34 tanks, but losing all nine of their StuGs. However, only three were completely destroyed and the others were recovered the next day. The 7th Assault Gun Battalion was next fighting on the Tisza River in the region of Szentes, Csongrád and Kecskemét, taking a heavy toll on Soviet tanks before being almost destroyed in October at the Szentes bridgehead. The remaining ten StuG G assault guns were placed in reserve with the Hungarian 3rd Army. During its battles on the Tisza River the battalion destroyed 67 tanks and 14 other vehicles. After the battle of the Szentes bridgehead the battalion was withdrawn to Budapest where it fought with Group Billnitzer. [High Resolution]

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/hungarian-forces/41955/7.-rohamtuzer-osztaly-stug-g-hr

Thanks for an interesting historical account.