707th tank battalion

Hi! I am looking for pictures of my grandfather, Ephraim Lanou. Hewas wounded in 1944. that’s all I know. Thanks! Jen

Doing a little google search brings up the following which may help you further.

Roster 5ad.org/units/707

Corporal Ephraim A. Lanou served in A Company 707 th Tank Battalion attached to 5 Armoured Div

5 Armoured Div

Ancestry.com might also have records and documents, and other references available on your Grandfather, it has some free features, but is generally a pay site.

Hi Jen,

I’m writing a book about my father’s POW experience during WWII and, according to my 707th roster, your grandfather was in Company A. I have the name and email address of the Colonel of that company who is still alive and may remember something about your grandfather. Please email me directly vs. contacting me via this website: Danishsoul@aol.com
