75mm shell and the new 76mm shell - US Armor & Vehicles | Gallery

75mm shell and the new 76mm shell

Tankers of 66th Armored Regiment taking part in a press briefing at Teuven, 22nd February 1945. They are showing the difference between the 75mm shell and the new 76mm shell for the gun on their M4A3E8. The tank is called 'GI Joe'.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-armor-vehicles/47004/75mm-shell-and-the-new-76mm-shell

The small shell looks like a 57 mmn not a 75?

There is alot more propellant in a much larger shell case with the 76mm that is why it looks so much bigger.

The diameter of the actual round is the only bit that is pretty similar.

Although this does not show the US 76mm it does show a pretty good comparison between the various rounds.
