8 rad - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

8 rad

they r looking a paint shop cos they r not in ussr/north aftica

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/colorizations/37629/8-rad

There is another photo of this vehicle with following caption;
An SdKfz 232 (8-rad) (Fu) leads the way through a ruined Greek village, spring 1941. Some attempt seems to have been made to overpaint the original "Panzer grey" scheme with light shade, but much of this has worn off, and the barrier shield has not been repainted at all. The name "Seydlitz" appears on the hull side in white gothic script. The second vehicle is an SdKfz 221 light armoured car, mounting a smaller turret than the 222.

Photo see next post