I am interested in the 81st Chemical Battalion as that was where my Father served. Can I get some direction. He was awarded the purple heart but I could not get him to discuss it for anything!!! He was from Fort Douglas Utah and was enlisted from 1938-1945. One of the first on the Beach at Normandy. I have exhausted my resources. Thanks for all the possible help!
Would it be the 81st Chemical Mortar Battalion? http://www.4point2.org/hist-81-p1.htm#activation
If so, its Veterans’ Association can probably help you: http://www.4point2.org/81cmb.htm
Hello, I just had a link sent to me from a member regarding thre 81st Chemical Mortar Battalion and I am wondering if there is a picture out there of any of the guys from WWII. Thanks much!
This goes to show that I am completely naive when it comes to looking and finding specifics! AGAIN, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I truly appreciate this. What part of the world do you live?
You’re welcome.
You can see where members are from at the top right of their posts, assuming they put correct locations in their member profiles.