
This is a very interesting documentary, its about 1h 20m long and well worth watching. Let me know what you think?


What happened on the ninth of November SS Tger ?

It was all going well until the showed a javelin A/T missile blowing up a prepared tank and then calling it a cruse missile. Sorry they lost all credibility them. If you want to tell every one that they are lying them do not lie yourself.

Us Brits have a different date system, my apologies, for all the Americans here 11/9.

Our system goes day/month/year where as the American is month/day/year.

A bacofoil beanie just wont be enough for this guy, I think he will need a complete tinfoil suit for this story. I really like the part about the 707 they crashed at Edwards, I was working there at the time they crashed it…I’ve been on that aircraft.

Oh by the way…I knew what you meant by 9/11

When I heard 9/11 I just thought you were talking about the september 11 attack on the WTC.

I first thought about November too, strange cultural difference that? Why do the US do it the wrong way round?

Because for some reason in the long form they say “September 11 2006” whereas we say “11th September 2006”. Thus, when you convert it to short numeric form it is the other way around.

In patent law, we often (but not always) write dates completely the other way round - “2006-09-11”. As I understand it, this is largely for database reasons, so that you can easily limit searches to a particular year.

Not sure … why do you guys drive on the wrong side of the road! :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, we drive on the correct side of the road. :lol:

Does anyone actually know why the US goes Month Day Year? Is it us who changed or the US?

Us Brits do drive on the correct side of the road. Back in the olde days people who were trained with weapons were always taught right-handed (because lefties are a minority). So when driving along in their chariot they had to drive on the left so they could defend them selves against fellow chariot drivers coming the other way.

I always thought it was weird that british people drove on the wrong side of the road! And who can tell us why we drive on the road the other side of the road :?

SS Tiger has it right; this also applied whilst riding horses.
IIRC, in ancient Rome it was considered to be very impolite passing someone on their left.
This is also the origin of the right-handed handshake.
Look at stairs in ancient fortifications - they always spiral in a clockwise direction from the ground up, so that the defenders at the top have a clear swing for their swords, whilst the attackers have their right side against the centre.

45 years ago, I owned and rode a 1943 Harley-Davidson WLH, 45 Cubic inch motorcycle, surplus WWII …

The throttle grip, which is normally on the right-side handle-bar (even in the UK), was placed on the LEFT-side handle-bar…So that the soldier could reach the Thompson SMG in it’s scabbard attached to the right front fork, draw it, and fire the weapon while retaining control of the machine…

I would imagine it was not a trivial undertaking to use a Thompson one-handed while in motion on a motorbike!!! Bet it took practice.

I work in the aerospace industry and we doi it like this
Funny i worked at Edwards Air force base on the hyper-x program.

Welcome…When did you work there? maybe I saw you. Where you military or civilian and who did you work for? Do you still live in calif. ?

yes i was with microcraft.
I had my hands on vehicle b and c.
i worked with john cant remeber his last name.
we built the adapter.
Yes im still in ca. looking for work its really hard to find someone to pay me for my skills.
everyone is offering me wages from 2001.
i am very sad due to this and might have to sell my ouse now.
I love working in this feild so much it breaks my heart.
the budget were closed for our feilds after 9/11 microcraft closed.
now is called atk.(only its in tullahoma)
i am still in touch with fellow employees and they are trying to keep feelers out for me.ok i am getting sad.
It was great reading yer post, thank you, cheered me up a little.
god bless.

SS Tiger, here is a great site that will answer all the questions from the video. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/911_pentagon_757_plane_evidence.html

So while on the subject. Why does anyone think 11-9 happened? Was it lax security, was it an excellent mission by Terrorists etc.

Stepping away from the horrible Day and putting yourselves in the Terrorists shoes - did it achieve its aim?