A and B Game

Simple really I ask you which you prefer out of two things and you answer and put 2 things down.

Pepsi or Coke?

Id go for Coke!

Which would you prefer to visit?

Chicago or New York?

New York, always!

A young girl or a mature one?


Mature, off course.

R.A.F or Luftwaffe??

Luftwaffe for me (obvius answer isnt :roll: )

AMD or Intel


South Park or Family Guy?

South Park

Remington or Winchester?


football or hockey


croatia or serbia?


Metal or Hard Rock

krupp steel :lol: - metal :wink:

Iron Maiden are as tough as krupp steel!

Onion or Red Onion

both, but if i must pick then non comunist, pure white, aryan onion :lol: :lol: :lol: (this is a joke if someone thinks that i am a rasist etc.)

Yea you forgot to ask a question so I’ll ask one for you>=)

World War 1 or World War 2?

World War 2!

Dr Pepper or Cherry Coke

Dr Pepper.

Front doors or Back doors ?

Is that a metaphore for something else Cuts!

Front doors!

VW or BMW?

BMW, obviously …

Spit or swallow?

Spit(fire) :wink:

Me109G-10 or Me109K-14 :lol: