A bit of madness



Really funny.

Unfortunately the dicease is not. That would de disastrous in here . no cow, no life.:roll:

Great to hear fom you Panzerknacker.
Glad you liked it.

For all you E.A Poe fans…

The Poe Toaster has struck again at Poe’s grave in Baltimore.

It is said that a man dressed in black, entered the cemetary of E.A Poe in Baltimore at 12 midnight on Sunday with a bottle of congak (I can’t spell) and approached Poe’s grave.

Witnesses from the nearby church watched as the mysterious figure drank a toast to Poe, left the congak on the grave, and mysteriously disappeared through an unknown exit.

Any thoughts or opinions? I find the subject fascinating! :smiley:

(I’m a bit of a Poe-Freak)

What were they doing in the church at midnight?

This whole routine has with the Poe Toaster has been going on annualy since after WWII (Coincidence?). Members of the Poe “Fan Club” hide in the church every time this happens and try to catch a glimpse of this mysetrious figure. Last year this figure was harrassed by the population and the care taker of the graveyard got all upset and wouldn’t tell the press anything.

We know:

-It’s not a ghost (It left a snippy note once about the Giants)

-It could be a man (By the way it walks)

-It may be Republican (Left a snippy note once and American Brandy instead of French Congac because the French didn’t join the War in Iraq)

it’s most likely just a guy trying to get some attention. that’s still pretty interesting thought!:smiley:

It’s not quite for a WW2 forum but it was worth a few laughts. thanks.:smiley:

You have a PM … we need to change your names. Get back to me!

I know. I need to change my name. but how??

That was so funny. I loved the song he sang. I LIKE TO MOOOO!!! I must say that was one of the funniest things I have seen on this forum.