A “Black Scorpion” taxiing - US Army Air Force | Gallery

A “Black Scorpion” taxiing

A “Black Scorpion”, one pilot of 57th Fighter Group’s 64th Fighter Squadron “Black Scorpion”, taxiing on Grosseto Airport, early 1945. The plane is a Republic P-47D Thunderbolt “Razorback” in all silver finish, tail red with yellow band and front engine cowling red (color of 64th FS). On the engine cowling the 64th FS emblem, the “Black Scorpion”. The 15th Air Force 57th Fighter Group (First in the Blue), with its Fighter Squadrons (64th “Black Scorpions”, 65th “Fighting Cocks” and 66th “Exterminators”), was at Grosseto Main, coming from Corsica, from September 25, 1944 to April 28, 1945, date of its transfer to Villafranca Airport, Verona, for the last missions (last sortie May 5, 1945) of WW2. On May 1945 Group ordered to return to Grosseto and in August its personnel bound from Naples Harbor to USA. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army-air-force/43651/a-%22black-scorpion%22-taxiing

It’s a pity that unit markings on so many MTO Thunderbolts obscure the tail number. Without it, it is impossible to exactly identify this P-47’s production block. Best guess is: P-47D-23-RA It is fitted with a Curtiss 13ft prop but I can’t be certain of the blade profile.