A Bridge Too Far#

I haven’t seen it just yet but my Phys Ed teacher is going to let me borrow it. :lol: What’s your oppinion(s) on the movie if you’ve seen it?

It is a good film, I thoroughly enjoy it every time I watch it. The usual disclaimer applies - it’s not fully historically accurate. Those that smell of roses by the end of the film coincidentally appear on the list of advisors, whilst those who come away looking foolish (or worse) generally don’t appear on it.

Its a crakin movie, but, it is a movie. Some excellent Para drop scenes and some excellent performances by prominent actors of the day. I go with Crab on what he says, but its good nonetheless. Well worth a watch…

I think the movie is pretty close to the historic reality, although some changes were made ( I saw an interview with the commanders actually potrait in the movie) . The cast is incredible (in what other movie you will see Redford, Hackman, Elliot Gould, and the top British actors- together??), and other than Battle of Britain, this is only the second movie I’ve seen that presents a pretty accurate portait of Polish contribution to WWII. Gene Hackman played an excellent General Sosaboski, a commander of the First Polish Para Brigade thorn between his knowledge that the operation will likely result in a fiasko and his sense of duty.
Now we just need a movie that shows a charge of Polish MECHANIZED cavalry (the First Polish Armoured Brigade - they used Sherman tanks and hated them) and I can die happy. :stuck_out_tongue:
But, I like this movie because it does not produce a forced “Happy End” like SPR did.

Shows that the Int people knew that the Panzer div was there, one R Sigs Y operator recognised the “fist” of a German Morse operator (not shown in the film), and were effectivly overruled. Which did happen.

Also shows that the radio sets were suspected not to be able to work prior to deployment, the signals then go for a NAAFI break, this was not true. The sets should have worked, but didn’t, they did for the practice exercises carried out in Britain, which was over much the same sort of terreign. The idea that they wouldn’t work over the wet terreign of Europe but did over the dry land of the desert is myth.

Nor does the film pay, perhaps, the proper tribute to 30 XXX. Who were fighting their way up an absolute horror of a road to get to the bridges. A whole Corps fighting along one road!!! Unable to move from anything other than the most direct route from bridge to bridge, with the Germans knowing this, they moved entire brigade formations and bigger to block the road, which 30 xxx had to punch through, unable to go around.

All their stores and equipment had to come up this road also, this is brushed upon when the bailey bridge and boats are brought up from the rear of the Corps “Convoy”.

The plans were also captured but discounted by the Germans.

What was the reason given in the movie for radios not working? I thought it was the wrong (non-matching) set of crystals?

it s a good movie

that is actually a good movie, i dont like the ending though, it could be much better than that. other wise the battle is intense, the acting is excellent and there isnt much to complain about.

you haven’t seen it yet?

damn…my counter is at around 125 views by now…

this is a classic…one of THE WWII movies!

Ofcourse there are flaws & ofcourse it doesn’t show everything that happened…but it’s only a movie.
They could easily turned Market-Garden into a series as BoB.

It does show the courage of the British defenders and also the respect they got from the Germans for their fight.
It shows the feeling that the war would end before X-mas 1944 feeling.

And also important: Dutch resistance/people speaking Dutch, Germans speaking German !!!
Try to read a book about ‘Market Garden’ when you finished watching the movie.

A 1977 film about the Western front during the Operation Market Garden, although I didn’t finished it yet (which i’m gonna watch tonight in DVD), the story is seemingly well-rated and made it 1 of the best films about WW2 ever! As far as I’m concerned, there are only 2 movies that stick on the Ambitious Operation Market Garden, A Bridge Too Far, and Band of Brothers episode 4.


Thanx for the post jungleguerilla.
For a movie that was made in 1977 without todays technology, i think a bridge to far is an excellent movie. Also i can always appreciate a movie that is a true story.
Concernig Band of Brothers i think episode 2 could also be considered one of the best.

Concernig Band of Brothers i think episode 2 could also be considered one of the best.

Meh. Part 6 is the best. Sorry for that. But that’s just me. Feel free to say anything good. :smiley:

‘A bridge too far’ threads merged.
jungleguerilla, as Nickdfresh wrote before - use the search option before starting new threads. Thanks in advance.

That was one of the theories. I personally think the radio transmitter at Deelen Airfield ( a few miles northeast of Arnhem) had something to do with it; they were broadcasting help messages left and right for the first few days of the operation.

If memory serves, they mention the airfield being there in the movie when Jeremy Kemp’s character tells Roy Urquhart that they can’t land his Paras north of Arnhem because the planes would run into the flak batteries on the return trip

This movie is a great movie, as I have watched it many times over the last 30 years. Aside from any “historical questions” I feel it depicts the Operation fairly well. I give it a two thumbs up!