A Britain won the Iron Cross?

Read this in todays Times newspaper.

A British secret agent who offered to blow up Adolf Hitler at the height of the Second World War was dissuaded from carrying out the assassination by MI5, according to newly released wartime archives.

The offer to kill Hitler in a suicide mission was made by Eddie Chapman, a professional criminal and safe-breaker who was trained by the Nazis as a spy and went on to become one of Britain’s most successful double agents, codenamed Agent Zigzag.

Top notch, if you ask me. As has been discussed here before, the British rounded up pretty much every spy the Bosch sent our way, and flipped them in to double agents.

It is highly likely that when they recruited this guy, from a prison on the Channel Island of Jersey serving time for Burgelry, he had the idea of being double agent in mind.

Anyway, the moment he was first landed he gave himself up to MI 5 and expressed an interest in killing Hitler in a suicidal bombing plan. MI 5 said no.

He was awarded the Iron Cross for his actions by the Germans and given unofficial awards, including pardons for past crimes, by hte British. He was lauded by both sides at the end of the war!!!

Later in the war he was one of the ring of spys who “aimed off” the V-1s that were hammering London.

He is the only Britain to ever win the Iron Cross.

Read more here


Jeepers that’s an interesting read.

More yet!!!

There is more inthe printed version but can’t find it on the net.

While it may be the case for WW2, its not true for other conflicts.
George Nicholas Manley managed to win both the Iron Cross and the Victoria Cross

Its not WW2, but there was one British officer who managed to not only win the Iron Cross, but the Victoria Cross as well :shock: :cool:


Very cool stuff.