A Canadian Soldier guarding a lone German - Canadian Forces | Gallery

A Canadian Soldier guarding a lone German

A moment of stillness as a dazed prisoner and a combat hardened Canadian soldier take the weight off their feet in the Caen railway station. For the German the certainty that he would survive the war. For the Canadian, the uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/canadian-forces/30283/a-canadian-soldier-guarding-a-lone-german

I hope that they both made it home!

Apparently they were waiting for a train to take the German to a POW camp, but the trains were being run by the British and as usual, they are running late, if at all. Hence the look of utter boredom on the Canadians face, and utter desperation by the German officer as he realises that he may never get home!!