A Canadian Soldier guards Germans - Canadian Forces | Gallery

A Canadian Soldier guards Germans

A Canadian soldier poses for the camera on Juno beach with captured German soldiers. The Germans appear to be quite content with the concept that "for them the war is over" Whether the Canadian soldier survived the war or not we will never know!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/canadian-forces/30274/a-canadian-soldier-guards-germans

Nice pics ken!

I wonder if any Canadian photographers survived the war after getting their troops to take up so many artificial poses like this and others we have seen in this site.

Hi Thunderboltfan
Ken Bell, the photographer that took these photos I have posted and credited him with was attached to the Highland Light Infantry of Canada as a military photographer, he did not work for any newspaper or press group. Ken is long dead now but he did land on Juno Beach on D-Day and stayed with the same men throughout France, Belgium, Holland and into Germany. His photos were taken with a Rolleiflex camera. He was a lieutenant in the Film and Photo Section of the Canadian Army. Ken had several books published during his lifetime. He used his orginal photos to revisit the same sights 10 years later, then 20 years later etc and published several then and now books that were very successful in Canada. The first book was "Curtain Call" published in 1953 and then "Not In Vain" 30 years later. His job was to record the actual events and at no time was he allowed to "stage" any photos. His job was to document events as they happened for Canadian historical records. I always look for staged photos as they lack a certain intensity that only exists in the real images. If I thought they were staged I would not post them. Regular newspaper reporters had to submit as much material as possible to their publishers to justify their paycheque and as a result many staged images exist but Ken Bell was the Real Thing. Thanks for checking out his photos.