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A controversial history

Close up of one of former Italian Regia Aeronautica Macchi MC.202s “Folgore” in Luftwaffe colors. The story of Luftwaffe’s MC.202s isn’t clear and is also controversial. According some sources the MC.202s sized from Germany after the Armistice declared by Kingdom of Italy were about thirty and transferred in Luftwaffe’s Fighter School. According other sources twelve brand new MC.202s were switched to Croatian Air Force direct from the plant in Italy and allocated to 1./(Kroat.)JG retaining their Luftwaffe markings whilst in service with the unit. Again upon this sources, after a period of operational conversion, the squadron commenced operations against the frequent incursions over Croatia by USAAF and RAF aircraft. During a period of intensive activity over the summer of 1944, the squadron claimed some 20 Allied aircraft shot down, while at the same time receiving further Macchi MC.202s, as well as several brand new Macchi MC.205s. That the history. But, except that photos of Croatian MC.202s they are never view, attention: from 1944 the markings of Croatian airplanes were similar to German Balkenkreuz, while the proofs of utilization of Macchi fighters in Croatia are very poor and the very few news about are always the same. And moreover in 1944 the Croatian fighter units were re-equipped with Messerschmitt Bf.109s last generation. The use of MC.205s by Croatian isn’t never confirmed and seem somewhat unlikely. Further news are welcomed. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-air-force/19317/a-controversial-history

Croatian Wiki mentions 18 MC.202 and 4 MC.205, no details about usage sadly.