A dead Canadian Soldier - Canadian Forces | Gallery

A dead Canadian Soldier

A Canadian Seaforth Highlander is killed by a sniper while moving through a vineyard on the outskirts of Ortona, Italy, December 20, 1943. Note the bullet exit wound on his shoulder about six inches above his stripes.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/canadian-forces/30297/a-dead-canadian-soldier

The Seaforth Highlanders parade every thursday night in their Amrouries in Vancouver to this day. Any young men in Vancouver looking to start a military career just have to report to the Seaforth Armouries and meet the requirements. This regiment was brought out of reserve in 1939 at the outbreak of the war. The man in this picture was probably one of the first guys as they became part of the Canadian 1st Division and trained at Aldershot in England. The Canadian 1st Div. was origionally going to be sacrificed as a buffer between the advancing Germans and the retreating French and British at Dunkerk but Canadian general Andy McNaughton soon realized the futility of wasting these men and returned them to Britain to fight another day.