A full life. - British Forces | Gallery

A full life.

Group Captain Leonard Cheshire (later Baron Cheshire of Woodhall), VC, OM, DSO (two Bars) DFC, in 1945. Cheshire was Guy Gibson's successor as commander of 617 Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, and continued the dedication of the "Dam Busters" to accuracy in bombing. He continuously resisted efforts to confine him in desk jobs, and was awarded the VC (in the German manner) for his consistent record of courageous conduct above and beyond the call of duty (unusual for the VC). After the war, he devoted himself to charitable work in support of the disabiled, founding the Leonard Cheshire Foundation in 1948, and involving himself with related charities. The Leonard Cheshire Foundation - now styling itself Leonard Cheshire Disability - is still in operation, supplying a range of residential and other services to persons with disabilities. In the main, for his charitable work, Cheshire was raised to the UK Peerage as Baron Cheshire of Woodhall. After a life of service to his country and to humanity in general, Leonard Cheshire died of motor neurone disease in 1992, aged 74. Great, great respect. Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/british-forces/36955/a-full-life.

"…was awarded the VC (in the German manner)…"

"In the German manner"?