It has been raining here most of the day ,So I leave the screen door open so I can step out and have a smoke (there is a over hang above the door) and not get wet .I look at the screen and start laughing my arse off of what I found on the screen .Here it is Looks to me like someone drinking a draft beer in the buff LOL
:lol: :lol: :lol: To me it looks like a person drinking and useing the bathroom at the sametime! Now thats genious from something thats not even living! :lol:
and man boobs to boot
:lol: :lol:
LOL! As long as you don’t see the devil in a tortilla like they do down here.
LOL thats a site you don’t see often in Australia! :lol:
Or a guy with his heart beating fast like in those cartoons and something going around down there!
This thread could become a Rorschach test for those with a darker sense of houmor or twisted perspective. As we do have some younger members I wont say what I saw except that night stagg, bordome, jazz mag and range glue are expressions that sprung to mind.
Since this thread is based on psychology, you have psychology-related PM
Sell it on ebay and youll make loads. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.
It’s the ghost of the old owner of the house. :shock: