A hard days work - German Forces | Gallery

A hard days work

Picture possibly posed. Senior Corp. keeping an eye on the situation in the trenches. Man looks to having a hard day. Impressive collection of decorations: wounded badge, assault badge (infantry), close combat clasp, Iron Cross ribbon. Russian Jan.-Feb. 1944

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/33118/a-hard-days-work

The Nahkampfspange (Close Combat Clasp) speaks for that. In many circles of the Wehrmacht, the Clasp was actually regarded in higher esteem than the Iron Cross. Only about 46,531 soldiers of the Wehrmacht/Waffen SS were awarded one of the three stages of the Clasp. <br />Could the Close Combat badge actually be Gold?! The Infantry Assault Badge was only issued in Bronze and Silver. Going by the criteria, one would be awarded the Silver Infantry Assault Badge before the Close Combat Clasp. Since the Badge appears to be less bright than the Clasp, that could mean the Clasp might actually be Gold. Or it’s just a lot cleaner (since newer) than the Infantry Assault Badge…

He has seen the white of the enemys eyes many a time, I would say.

nice picture