A little brainer for you.

Actually three old well known brainers:

[li]Why after protective helmets were introduced for infantry in WWI there was recorded increase of soldiers with head injuries?[/li]
[li]During WWII the British Air Ministry planned to add more armour on the bombers. For that purpose they observed and recorded number and location of bullet holes on returning aircraft, and the goal was to use this information to determine where to best add armor to the plane’s structure. Based on this, the Air Ministry suggested adding armor to wing ends and fuselage sides as those areas had most holes. A smart guy named Abraham Wald said: “Do exactly the opposite! Reinforce the the parts with least number of holes!” Why did Mr.Wald want least hit sides to be reinforced? Was he a German collaborator?[/li]
[li]Why the better Medivac teams work on the frontline the higher the mortality rate in the hospitals?[/li][/ol]

And remember: NO Googling while answering! :wink:

My guesses would be


[li]The helmets prevented a certain amount of damage from otherwise fatal head wounds and thus they were only counted as wounds instead of fatalities.
[li]The planes that were hit in the other areas obviously didn’t return and thus there was a slight error in the statistic :mrgreen:
[li]The better medics saved more severely wounded and stabilized them enough to get them to the hospital. With less capable medics they would’ve died already in the field, here they got another chance in the hospital. However since they’re more severely wounded in the first place mortality rate increases.

my answers to you question
1.in the first world war the helmets are too elementary,too big at back(german m16),and when the soldier is lay,he doesn’t look up,because the helmet flenge at back is too big,and it’s easy to shoot to head,on the top.That would the germans are redone the helmets form,and that is the best form until today I think.
2.I don’t know :smiley:
3.I think a hospital have many injured soldier,the medic teams have bigger attention