A Marine and his friend - US Marines | Gallery

A Marine and his friend

A US Marine - armed with an M1 carbine - and his War Dog named Pal in a foxhole in Okinawa.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-marines/53875/a-marine-and-his-friend

From ‘National Archives’

Winter 2011, Vol. 43, No. 4

Let the Records Bark!
Personal Stories of Some Special Marines in World War II

Pal’s training notes record some very special instruction he received: “This dog was very high strung and nervous. He was also inclined to be gun-shy. He was broken of this at New Caledonia by taking him out in a boat and firing rifles. At first he jumped out of the boat, but he finally got so played out by swimming that he remained in the boat when rifles were fired. This procedure was followed 2 more times at later dates.”