a movie suggestion/question

is there a movie about the Nazi winning world war 2?
the following is what i have think about when i was trying to sleep, please forgive me if it sounds silly
*since world war 2 has been over. The German has to face a fierce dictator rather than relieve from the allies.
*Generals want to gain more power rather than working for the country, the last phase of war against Russians has tons of unnecessary casualties due to miscommunication among each other, the worst case being bombers went to the wrong target, instead of bombing Moscow, they have bomb Finland instead. The Germany has claimed they have used an outdate map and would never apologize.
*Hitler’s increasing mistrust to his general and ministry has lead him to isolate himself in the bunker most of the time, Germany is like ruled by military generals more than a prime minister.
*Since after the war, Germany has released most of the surviving Jews away from the concentration camp to help out the increasing need of labour in factories, mine, farms.
*Victory has brought a lot of pride to Adolf Hitler, which he plans an even bigger plan to invade America after being successfully invades both England and Russia. To gather the resources that were needed, he invaded every house in Germany, taking whatever resources that can be useful. American respond with attempting to build nuclear weapon, this move has scared both Canada and Mexico. Both nation has respond with inviting the germans to station a lot of soldiers in their country or create their own defense system. Canada has send sattelite to watch over American nuclear facility in year 1953. To attempt to protect German interest. Germany has invited Canada, Mexico and Japan to discuss with American government, trying to persuade them to give up the nuclear weapon, but it is not very sucessful.
*Police has been on extra high alert since a group of former British soldiers to form a terrorist group to attack German troops and persuade German citizens to put Hitler on trail.
*military success has bought bad consequences to the country. Tanks, planes and factories have produced a lot of pollution which brings up overall health problems to citizens. Germany is the only country who refuses to decrease overall pollution down after the war.
(Small detail)*War against British citizens when Hitler knows a group of British terrorists has taken over the military governor’s house and kill most of the people inside. It took German soldiers 6 hours before they take back the house, only to find out the governor has been killed.
(Small detail)*War against Iraq after one of the diplomatic was being killed. Oil has been transfer to Germany for gigantic project (building like arena, rebuild old structures, museum)
*Earthquake hit a small town in Germany. It is a town where most of the population are Jews who recently move to the town because of the new factories expansion plan. Assistance has come too late that the town has come and disease begins to spread. Adolf Hitler who has been in vacation in one of his farm, has ordered a nuclear strike on the town.
*After discussion with general Erwin Rommel, Hitler then issue an order to attack American with 1000 planes, 100000 soldiers and 10000 tanks. Suddenly, a group of American soldiers has show up and put Hitler under arrest, the reason for that is because Erwin was pissed to see Hitler killed his own people, and think that Hitler is in no good condition to continue ruling the country. Erwin knows Hitler would always isolate himself during the winter in the bunker, Hitler would rely on his general to update his information. Erwin take advantage of that and send American soldiers to his bunker and put Hitler under arrest, but Hitler would still thought he is the prime minister of Germany and didn’t realize he is being captured by the allies, he was finally released by the Americans and put on an isolated island, he died in year 1960.

Man FW, you do have an imagination…

You could write a book :wink:

There have been a couple of “what if” films along the lines of the Nazis winning WW2.

From my ever faulty memory, they were

It Happened Here (1966)


Fatherland (1994), based on the Robert Harris book


Fatherland was a good book, the film was not so good in my opinion, but I heartily recommend the book.

the bold part is the final edit, it would not be edit again unless someone catch a mistake in the plot. As for people who never read this before, please read both the unbold area and the bold area to get the whole idea

i do wish i can write a book, only if my english is good:(

i do wish i can write a book, only if my english is good:([/quote]

Well write it in your own language…

The most interesting point that you have written is this one-

Victory has brought a lot of pride to Adolf Hitler, which he plans an even bigger plan to invade America after being successfully invades both England and Russia. To gather the resources that were needed, he invaded every house in Germany, taking whatever resources that can be useful. American respond with attempting to build nuclear weapon, this move has scared both Canada and Mexico. Both nation has respond with inviting the germans to station a lot of soldiers in their country or create their own defense system. Canada has send sattelite to watch over American nuclear facility in year 1953. To attempt to protect German interest. Germany has invited Canada, Mexico and Japan to discuss with American government, trying to persuade them to give up the nuclear weapon, but it is not very sucessful.

I found it very ingenious :wink:

sure, i will give it a try 8)
anyways, anymore “what if” films? about nazi german winning world war?