a rest - US Marines | Gallery

a rest

After three days of fighting on the front lines on Munda,a Marines tank crew a rest,during which their machine guns are overhauled.This platoon wiped out 30 Japanese pill boxes.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-marines/38724/a-rest

Munda is in the New Georgia Group, Western Province, Solomon Islands. The tank is an M3 Light Tank (The British name of Stuart was not adopted until later, if at all) The following is taken from Wiki: "During World War II, the United States New Georgia Campaign opened with landings on New Georgia and nearby islands on 30 June 1943. New Georgia was secured by American forces on 23 August, after weeks of difficult and bloody jungle fighting, although fighting continued on some nearby islands until October 1943."