A Thread Dedicated to a Former Troll Here



Ha, missed this thread. That was a good spoof. I missed out on ironman the troll. I found some of the old threads he made comments on though. Pretty funny stuff, not at the time probably.

I dunno, I and several others came on the site specifically to play with him - in the sense of a cat playing with it’s food…

Ah Ironman a.k.a Tinwalt! The memories, how he invented an electric gun, decided he knew more about infantry tactics than others on here whom had done it for real. I spent many an hour on here guffawing and scoffing at his posts - halycon days indeed.

The next question is what happen to Gen. Sandworm?

Got captured by indians … aka kids! Havent heard from you in awhile good to see your still around!

Was glad to see this link was still up!


Those of you interested in who the legend was … there is the rundown.

I first came to this website because of him, 2005 I think?, someone on Arrse alerted the rest of the Arrse community to his antics and I liked it so much I stayed :army: !

Same here.

How IRONic (sorry couldn’t resist)!

That arrse article was pretty well written … always enjoyed reading that. Do you know who wrote it?

Sadly no, there are quite a few contributors to the wiki section these days.

Wow! I just read the article on “IronMan” and it sounds exactly like a guy from my unit a few years ago! He claimed that he fluently spoke “extinct languages” but always refused to do so in front of others… Surprisingly… He also claimed that he invented a “something gun” that didn’t use bullets but could throw anything at the speed of light, making every object a “projectile”… He refused to explain how it worked…

Even our extremely polite and relaxed Second-Lieutenant would tell him to “Shut the **** up Denault (the guy’s name)!” in front of everybody.

Good old times…

I think you’ll find every unit has one. They usually have stinking chat, poor personal hygiene, claim to have enclyopedic knowledge of most things, are jack (lazy) and can usually be found kissing the senior’s backsides.