A trip to Ft. Loudoun in Tennessee.

Ft Loudoun was built as a strong point for the English during the French,and Indian wars, and later the Revolutionary War. Located about 25 miles south west of Knoxville, it was fairly remote as posts go,being over 400 miles from its source of supply (Charleston, South Carolina ) And despite the great efforts, was never self sufficient.
Built of wood, and some stone, it had Stockade walls,and a defensive trench surrounding that. It was planted with a dense thorny Briar, which acted like barb wire. It was equiped with small cannon,and Coehorn mortars, several each located in each of the 4 corner bastions. Conditions were primitive at best.

It never ceases to amaze me how people lived during those times. It’s nice to see that the fort is kept in good shape.
Doesn’t that bed look comfortable?:mrgreen:

I looked up the info on the Ft. and this Ft. it seems is not the original, when the Tennessee Valley Authority set up the electrification of the area, they built dams to use for power production. This backed up rivers, creating lakes, the original Ft. and nearby Cherokee Indian town were both lost to the flooding. The Ft. was surveyed, and Archeological digs revealed lots of artifacts,and information. The Ft. was dismantled, and what parts could be, were moved the the present higher location.
It is very well maintained, and on my visit I saw a number of Park rangers replacing the stairs to the Barracks buildings (the row house ) The beds are of the rope variety, a softer, or firmer bed being had by adjusting the tension of the rope.(origin of the phrase “sleep tight” ) The single room pic is of the officers quarters,maybe even the Ft. Commander’s room.

It looks very well maintained. Obviously a lot of the original structure has been replaced. It gives one a very good indication into life back then. Thanx for the pics tankgeezer…it is always good to see what others see on their travels. Very interesting.