A very special "dogfight"

I don’t know if that was posted, but I think it’s a worth to post it.

The last plane that had been shoot down in a dogfight in the West front was a german observer Fieseler Storch in a really particular situation.

The story starts when the pilot Duana Francis and his observer Lt. Willian Martin (From the 5th Division from the US Army) were looking for German troops, in April 1945, but they found the lonely Storch. Till this, all right, but we didn’t mention the aircraft they were flying… they were flying a light, slowly and weak Piper L-4 Grasshoper… the millitary version of the Piper J-3 Cub!!! Yes, the “father” of the PA-11 and the PA-18…
With their radio informed to their base that they were going to enter in combat, while the astonished listeners were trying to understand the situation. What kind of combat would present a Cub!!!

What’s more amazing is the way they entered in combat… They opened the doors of their little plane and started to empty chargers and chargers from their conventional Colt 45 pistols against the surprised German pilot (who tried to evade to those “crazy men” which were shooting at him) made a lot of maneuvers between the limits of his plane. The cowboys were trying to scare the enemy in order to land his plane to be stopped by American troops, near the site where the “dogfight” was having place. After minutes, and more chargers of .45 against the Storch (the last bullets aimmed directly to the pilot), till went in a spin, hitting the ground with one of its wings.
Although there were American troops in the zone, the Germans succeeded in escape of the destroyed machine and started to run away without the alert of the allied troops there. As they could see them, and it was a clear terrain, Francis and Martin decided to land and follow the crew of the Storch that they have been attacked. When the two Germans saw the Piper landing near them, and those crazy yankees getting off of it with pistols in their hands, they surrended. That was too much for them, and I suppouse when they saw the aircraft which had shoot down them landing in order to stop them, they would had prefered to see the devil’s face… They had surrended and received medical trheatment. Both were hurt by the crash. One of them had a .45 bullet injury.

As I’ve said before, that event had the record of being the last aircraft that had been shoot in the West front… and another record. Is the only official shoot down in the WWII where the attackers used only conventional pistols.

Look at him, all a fighter warbird, isn’t he? :smiley:


PS: Forgive my bad english.

Good history.

PS: Forgive my bad english.

No need to forgive you, your english is nearly perfect. :rolleyes:

Great story, Eagle. Thanks.

Is there a source on the web for more information on this amazing event?


THAT WAS A AMAZING STORY!!! I woudnt be able to shoot a plane with .45…that should be in a book called “Stories that actually happend”
Oh your english is very good,for a Hoosier boy I would to say the “That is the darnest thang to said and now to warsh our face” lol yeah I dont actually talk like that but am just making fun of my pure Hoosier teacher

The source is the Warbirds site.

Regards from Arg.

That is a fascinating story! I know of stories plenty like that from the First World War but that is crazy from WWII. Any other combat records for Pipers?

The Storch is probably the best STOL plane during WWII, but the Piper L-4 was perhaps the most practical. The L-4 saw lots of combat launching off LSTs in the Pacific. I’ll see if I can find a picture.

this is a interesting story thanks for posting it.

Actually 1Lt Lee Larson of the 15th TRS scored a kill around 6 PM that same day so he scored the last ETO kill. Also a Russian pilot scored a kill in the afternoon.
LARSON LELAND A 2nd Lieutenant 15RCN 05-08-1945 Unknown Unknown WW2 Unknown 1