We all have an equal right to believe whatever we please, I am not advertising my beliefs, but rather just showing that I do believe. I really don’t see any reason to remove my avatar because people feel it advertises Neo-Nazism. I should not be limited on what I can say (as long as it doest offend anyone.) and I will never speak of my beliefs on this website. An avatar is an icon which defines the appearance, personality, or character of a person, and I should not feel inclined to remove it because some people are against it. It’s like someone saying someone should leave because they are black, or because they are yellow, or because they believe in a religion unlike their own. The moderators speak of staying on topic, and not insulting anyone, I say we just follow those rules and continue speaking of what this website is all about. WWII may have ended, but it has lived on in people, memories, photos, movies, and beliefs. Do not take this as a refusal to leave, but I dont think I should leave because I am a follower, and you shouldnt either. I will never insult anyone in any manner, and I will never disrespect the beliefs of others.
I hope that you will understand what I am getting at.
Deepest regards,