Aachen, 1944...

My grand uncle, Lt. Martin Wagner, was an Elite German sniper, and was stationed in Aachen durind the D-day + Nazi fallback. Thats the last my grampa, in Stuttgart, ever heard of him. He was considered M.I.A, and my grampa went to south america in hopes of finding him, many Germans had spread out and many of them went to Argentina or Japan. I just have this gut feeling that he was killed by a U.S b-25 run over the city. But I’m not sure. If you’ve ever heard his name or of any U.S attacks on Aachen, please contact me.

                                                                       -Callan :arrow:

While im interested in what happened to your grandpa as well … Your avatar sparks a question! :?

While im interested in what happened to your grandpa as well … Your avatar sparks a question! :?[/quote]

Agreed, Gen. Sandworm :?

I would also think that sniping would be rather a strange job for a Lieutenant…

Im not sure an elite sniper would even spend his days in Aachen as the war went on 200 miles or so away? Could be wrong though, was there a sniper school there and could he have been an instructor?

I think he should change avatar ,i hope so then he is not a neo-nazi,we dont need assholes like them here.

I agree, we seem to struggle with a certain element coming here. However, he has posted interesting stuff and may not have read the rules, so I say give him a chance to be here, its not exclusive after all.

SS-untersturmfuhrers do not snipe people…

Unless the gentleman in question was, as Firefly suggested, an instr at a school.
Many people became involved in the fighting at various levels by '44, as Hr Schickelgrüber’s Master Plan had gone ever so slightly awry.

I agree with all the above, the sig must leave.
Well a Leutnant fighting happened quite some times, since Leutnant is the lowest officirial rank.

I shouldnt be judged by my beliefs, and no one should. After all, I do live in a free country. I really do not wish to leave and I really do not want to argue with anyone. Many people may think differently than I do, but we all exist equally. And as I said about my grand-uncle, I dont know much about him, and Im quite curious, since my grampa utterly refuses to talk about the guy. Nonetheless, I do respect your comments, but I dont see why I should be insulted, and I’m not an asshole, and quite frankly this isnt a “Look, hes a Nazi!” topic, so please, let us talk of the war, and lets talk of each other too, but not in a disrepectful way.

On the contrary mate. You should be judged by your beliefs. As far as I am aware this is not a Nazi site. If you want that you can go to Storm-thingy. Im sure I speak for the majority here when I say, we dont need someone openly claiming they are a neo-Nazi, and all that this stands for.

I’m sure you would be one of the first to complain if someones avatar was Osama Bin Laden etc. All you have to do is remove the neo-nazi bit and enjoy the community. I dont care what you personally believe in, but as it is personal I dont know why you would need or indeed want to advertise it.


On the contrary mate. You should be judged by your beliefs. As far as I am aware this is not a Nazi site. If you want that you can go to Storm-thingy. Im sure I speak for the majority here when I say, we dont need someone openly claiming they are a neo-Nazi, and all that this stands for.

I’m sure you would be one of the first to complain if someones avatar was Osama Bin Laden etc. All you have to do is remove the neo-nazi bit and enjoy the community. I dont care what you personally believe in, but as it is personal I dont know why you would need or indeed want to advertise it.


I second that.
Anyway he has 24 hours to do it…

third. If he’s so intent on being fair, nice, and understanding about differing beliefs why does he need to advertise an insulting belief to many people?

Unfortunately, this sentiment is somewhat at odds with the behaviour of the Nazis during WW2. They were explicitly saying that not all people existed equally, going so far as to try and wipe out certain groups of people. Having “Neo-Nazi” in your avatar implies that you support this point of view, hence the reason for your somewhat hostile reception. You may be intending something else by the comment, but given that this site does attract some extremely unpleasant characters (at least one of whom would have felt right at home in Nazi Germany) it is unfortunately only going to be taken one way. Hence the request to remove the offending line from your avatar or leave.

He have already a deadline for changing his avatar.

You only need to remove neo-nazi from your avatar and thats it. :wink:

We all have an equal right to believe whatever we please, I am not advertising my beliefs, but rather just showing that I do believe. I really don’t see any reason to remove my avatar because people feel it advertises Neo-Nazism. I should not be limited on what I can say (as long as it doest offend anyone.) and I will never speak of my beliefs on this website. An avatar is an icon which defines the appearance, personality, or character of a person, and I should not feel inclined to remove it because some people are against it. It’s like someone saying someone should leave because they are black, or because they are yellow, or because they believe in a religion unlike their own. The moderators speak of staying on topic, and not insulting anyone, I say we just follow those rules and continue speaking of what this website is all about. WWII may have ended, but it has lived on in people, memories, photos, movies, and beliefs. Do not take this as a refusal to leave, but I dont think I should leave because I am a follower, and you shouldnt either. I will never insult anyone in any manner, and I will never disrespect the beliefs of others.
I hope that you will understand what I am getting at.

                                                                        Deepest regards,

Well, Clauss’ avatar is of an SS Standartenfuehrer, my personal avatar is of Reimar Horten, Gen. Sandworm’s is of Erwin Rommel, FW-190 Pilot’s is of Heinz Guderian and the list goes on. Our avatars symbolize some of the A Grade of the Nazi Regime, the German Cross and all. It is just that yours in particular says Neo - Nazi. I am afraid that rules are rules however, and our site rules do not condone any kind of racism or racist remarks. That is the main concern with your avatar. Not that this applies to you, but just for refrence, my quote in my signature

I have changed my avatar, and I believe it is more suitable. Thanks to Charles for providing it. And Firefly, I really do not appreciate your comments, so please stop, for I have not in any way insulted you. I think its about time we let go of this issue, and moved on to discussion and getting along.