Ace without legs - Soviet Forces | Gallery

Ace without legs

VVS ace Alexey Maresyev. At the beginning of the war Alexey was shot down and lost both legs, but was determined to return to the air force. It was unthinkable and unprecedented. To convince medical examiners that he could fly, he learned how to dance waltz. Despite all odds and regulations, he returned to flying and became an ace with 11 confirmed kills.

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By the photo one could not say he’s without legs…

Not quite unprecedented.

Sir Douglas Bader lost both his legs in 1931 but still passed his flight tests once he recovered. He was retired from the RAF on medical grounds.

In 1939 he managed to rejoin the RAF as a pilot and had his first victory’s in 1940, fought through the BoB and was eventually shot down in 1941 over France.

During captivity he made himself such nuisance with several escape attempts (was recaptured at a later date) and baiting the guards they threatened to take away his false legs.