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I got this email and was wondering what you guys think.
I personally don’t mind if they would post in the forums, but if you guys think they shouldn’t then I can understand that as well.

Hi there!

We are developing a new kind of Massively Multiplayer War Strategy game, playable on browser. And we are asking your permission to post new thread of our project. If you think, it is not appropriate to post a new thread, you just inform me, I won´t post anything until you give me permission. More information is available here:

World War II is the subject we start with. The whole war is not covered, game starts from the beaches of Normandy 1944. The battle of Tali-Ihantala 1944 (Karelian Isthmus, Red Army´s great Summer Offensive) is also under development.

At the moment we are finalizing the beaches of Normandy, so Alpha testing phase is coming very soon.The final version of the game should be ready next autumn. As this is a browser playable MMO game, we will continuously bring new content to the game after the launch.

I post this thread to you, because, normally when someone is interested in history of war, therefore strategy games might interest people also. Historical accuracy combined with unit amount, equipment, supply and so on, challenge all the virtual-Patton/-Rommel to rewrite history.

If you want any kind of information, you can send me either private message, or you can send it straight to our game info address:

Looking forward to your reply, many thanks in advance!

Best Regards from Finland!

Ari Pirilä

I don’t have a problem with it.

I’m impressed that the author had the courtesy to ask if he could post.

Maybe that should be the advertised policy of the board, that we’ll consider such matters if permission is requested first?

Looks good, and as RS says, he seems very nice about it too. As owner, your call of course though.

Your call, but I’ve no objections if they ask first.
If you’re going to permit this in future, I’d strongly suggest that you post a thread in the war room letting us know they have permission, or they might get the boot by accident :wink: