Since the attacks on New York in September 2001 and subsequent attacks on other Western nations, the West has been seeking ways of either taking the fight to the enemy, or of remaining neutral so as not to encourage further retaliatory attacks by terrorist elements. The war in Iraq was, arguably, a knee-jerk reaction to the attacks on New York and also, arguably, a result of a very different agenda than that of defeating terrorism.
At face value, the operations in Afghanistan more closely resemble a war against terror and its support elements. However, the initial operations to drive out the Taliban and, thus, by doing so, denying the terrorists bases from which to strike at the West, seem somewhat redundant. The terrorists have re-located to the states which border Afghanistan from where they can strike against Western forces and retreat into, as and when necessary.
So, should the fight against the Taliban be taken into these safe havens or should Western forces operate solely in Afghanistan? Is the objective to defeat the terrorists in Afghanistan and restore order to that country as well as denying them, the terrorists, a base from which to strike at Western cities, or is the objective merely to keep the terrorists’ attention focussed on the troops in Afghanistan and away from ‘our’ shores?
We hear arguments and discussions – at least I do – of how Afghanistan is a graveyard for all invaders including the Russians in more recent times, but is the objective truly to defeat the terrorists in Afghanistan? By placing troops in Afghanistan, are not the Western allies offering them up as bait to keep the terrorist fanatics occupied in sacrificing themselves in a Holy War against the enemy on their doorstep - which is remote from Western cities and populations - rather than have those fanatics performing acts of mass destruction in our cities? Therefore, if one accepts this train of thought, which is basically one of containment, should the Western nations accept that there are going to be a continuous stream of casualties among their troops for a very long time to come; until such time that the terrorist organisations can be eradicated from the sanctuaries, bases and training facilities which they have established within the bordering states however that might be accomplished?