African Freikorps Soldier - Other Forces | Gallery

African Freikorps Soldier

A African Askari figthing for the Freikorps Letwo in Munich, 1919 @Carn

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Fascinating 'photo indeed - and a bit puzzling, not least the references to “Lettow-Vorbeck”. General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck was still a member of the German Army in 1919 and, in spite of references to “Freikorps Lettow-Vorbeck”, seems to have been little interested in Freikorps activities beyond what was necessary. Without more research I could not say - but the uniform looks like a German Army NCO’s uniform of the period. Could this man actually be a member of the Army who had “come home” from East Africa with von Lettow ? Best regards, JR.

Interesting, I’m guessing that of course there was a substantial German-Jewish presence in the Friekorp as well?