Alfred Günther - German Forces | Gallery

Alfred Günther

Hauptscharführer Alfred Günther, June 1943. (Wehrmacht39)

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Alfred Günther (25 April 1917 – 15 June 1944) was a Untersturmführer (Second Lieutenant) in the Waffen SS who was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross.

Günther, SS service number 392 402, commanded the 3rd Company, 1st SS Sturmgeschütz Battalion.[1] and became the first member of the unit to be awarded the Knight’s Cross on 3 March 1943. [2] He was later transferred to the 101st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion and commanded a Tiger tank in the 3rd Platoon,3rd Company. [3] He was killed when his Tiger tank was hit by an aircraft bomb on 15 June 1944.[4]

His grave is in War Graves cemetery at La Cambe: Block 30 Row 8 grave 303. (Wikipedia)