Alfredo Carpaneto (RkT) - German Forces | Gallery

Alfredo Carpaneto (RkT)

Alfredo Carpaneto, described by Otto Carius as "an academy-trained painter from Vienna. He was a daredevil and a fabulous tank commander and comrade. One could do anything with him, provided one had his trust and confidence." He is generally recognised as having scored about 50 victories. Anybody have further information on this person ?

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Unteroffizier Alfredo Carpaneto (born January 4, 1915 in Rome/Italy, KIA January 26, 1945 near Neuhausen/East Prussia). Posthumously awarded the Knight’s Cross (March 28, 1945) for destroying 8 T-34 on the day he was killed by an AT rifle hit on his Tiger. By the time of his death he was a tank commander in 2nd company/Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502.