Alfredo Fusco - Italian Forces | Gallery

Alfredo Fusco

Original agfacolor of the Gold Medal to Memory, leutnant pilot Alfredo Fusco. "Brilliant and daring fighter pilot, contributed in many actions and bitter fighting, to the shooting down of 10 enemy aircrafts, demonstrating elected qualities of fighter pilot and generous contempt of danger. On February 20, in a fight against an overwhelming enemy fighter formation, while being repeatedly hidden, continued to fight until the opponents did not give up the fight. In the afternoon the same day, being the airfield attacked by a raid of enemy bombers, escorted by several fighters, he first tooke off in the air even though he was off his turn of alarm. Conscious of the danger to which he was exposed, he immediately gained altitude and alone started the combat, attracting the entire enemy formation, making it to divert the offense from the objective area code. In the struggle, riddled with gusts by the numerous escort fighters, gloriously sacrificed his young life." Sky of Greece and Albania, November 1940 - February 20, 1941. DVX

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Dear Dux, i am an aeronautical journalist, past historian Italian Air Force, glider pilot (Victor Sierra was the radio call of my favourite sailplane) and today responsible external relations of two aeronautical companies. Best regard at you and att all friends of WW2 in Color. VS