All Herman2 Discussion Here

Well, I’m not advocating any action here. But Herman2 has again graced us with his presence after a long hiatus. I guess he was at one point a high school student or something and I’m guessing that means that he’s in his early 20’s now. He doesn’t seem to have matured much and is exhibiting clear troll behavior with the hyperbolic, baseless posts - then the arguments over the responses. He also seems to have a premeditated persecution complex with his complaints about mod actions that have nothing to do with him. I guess he’s woken the board up a bit, but his act is getting a bit old already…

Allegedly he’s 47 by now…and hasn’t changed a bit. I admit it’s funny for the moment but we know what’s going to happen…

He is kind of funny, and very manic, I’m for letting him rant about for a time, maybe get people signed in more often at least until he does something that is definitely actionable. He does already have enough points against him to permaban. I agree that we all know where this will go. If anyone does Ban him, it should be permanently, we’ve been down his convoluted road before, he will doubtless never change. I am curious as to what he means by visible minority, waiting for his reply to that. The boy does have issues…

I don’t have any serious problems with him. I think manic is a good way to describe him, though…

Perhaps Manic, plus a triple espresso. :wink: I do take it into account that he may not be able to control himself altogether, so I usually just give him an occasional poke with a stick to keep his attention focused. Now if he is just playing a game to Troll the place, then he will disappear in a puff of smoke.

Bit odd, but my take on it is that he’s grown up a bit. One to keep an eye on, but not too bad so far. He is at least bringing a bit of life to the forum - it’s been a bit tumbleweed lately…

Refer prior threads.

It’s that long since I’ve banned anyone that maybe I can’t recall how to do it.

I tried to ban herman for 48 hours for ignoring my mod warning on racism (yes, I know it’s probably obscure to you, but he wants to put himself forward as an expert in a sensitive area among aborigines in my country so he wears the consequences of his conduct) but he’s not showing up as banned under his user name in his profile or on threads.

What have I done wrong?

I missed this thread until now, but I wouldn’t permaban him over my attempt to suspend the dumb little ***** for 48 hours.

Maybe he’ll learn to accept mod warnings if he gets some short, sharp bans.

Which, as you’ll all see in my most recent mod thread, I appear to have failed in imposing. :frowning: :oops:

Well, he does not appear in the “Temporary Ban Usergroup” so something must’ve gone wrong. I can not recall banning someone but permanently so I’d have to check it out…

Done: herman2 2 Days 05-07-2014, ~03:00 PM 2 Days, 0 Hours

Let’s keep him a while and -somewhat- cherish the latest activity. Not too many ancient members around lately, I guess Chevan must be busy expanding Russia these days…:wink:


Justifies herman’s view that you’re a supermod.

While I didn’t roast him for it, I did call him on his use of the term “visible minority” as though we would ban someone because of their Race, or color. I do not object to his being banned, he had already earned more than enough points to send him into the void.

Many moons ago I managed over some months of careful guidance to discourage Chevan from pursuing his anti-Semitic (more accurately anti-Jewish as Arabs are also Semites, but that’s another thread) opinions and confining himself to less inflammatory topics, which took him from being on the verge of being permabanned to making a lot of useful contributions.

I doubt this is possible with herman as he is stupid while Chevan is intelligent, but one can never tell how things will work out.

I have no doubt he is, :slight_smile:
I have been emailing Chevan a bit lately, in the beginning of all this he was very concerned for his relatives that lived in Crimea, but not at all concerned for Ukraine in general. You are correct that he does seem to favor Russian involvement in Ukraine, his thought is that the current head of the Kiev Government is illegitimate, and should be ousted, (this sentiment is shared by a few other people I know from that part of the world) and they don’t mind if Russia does it for them. Otherwise, he seems his usual self, and did send his kind regards to all here.

I think there is a massive eruption waiting in the wings in Ukraine, which was subjected to appalling exploitation, misery, suffering and deaths by the Russians under Stalin, which I doubt has been forgotten.

No, not for little stuff, but if he did something really worthy of a permaban then drop the hammer, he has had many second chances. I hope some short bans will help him. It was mentioned by someone that he seems to have some kind of persecution complex, concerning his reactions to other people being banned. This could well be the case, I remember him once saying that he was in a custodial job, like a janitor or something, and had complaints about treatment of people etc. Perhaps he works, (or worked ) in an institution of some sort. Maybe even was under the care of one.
as for Imposing RS* just put on your Litigator’s voice, and thunder some Latin at him, that should do. :wink: :slight_smile:

Although I did a couple of years of Latin before leaving school early, I was lucky enough to be a few years past the generation that required Latin when I started law at university as an adult.

I have about half a dozen Latin phrases in my repetoire, about half of which I know what they mean. Not impressive for thundering at people.

My favourite WWII Latin quote is “Morituri vos salutamus” from a somewhat renegade Royal Australian Air Force commanding officer at Rabaul after being ordered to deploy his already depleted forces against the advancing Japanese.

Apparently the correct Latin is “Nos Morituri Te Salutamus”

But, either way, it’s a great line.

Any idea what extra powers supermods are blessed with?

No, but the power to remove hermans is not one to be dismissed lightly.