Allied Country with Best Fighter Plane in WW2

Allied Country with Best Fighter Plane in WW2. YOU MUST GIVE YOUR REASON AND SOME INFORMATION ABOUT WHY YOU THINK IT WAS. Please do not vote without giving your reasons.

The reason whay I say Allied is because most of everybody would have to say Germany. They where the best in Airforce technology, just not very effective because of lack of numbers and inexperienced pilots.

If you think that there are more countries that are elegible for voting then please say.

I know we have already debated about this in the British forum, so you may as well copy and paste.

You forget about Russia… Siviet have an exellent examples of aircraft… And many pilots britan, french and even german prefer them… But when it come to choice between USA and Britan, I choose Britan "Spitfire’. Maybe not best flying abilities, but in the war, very important the next positions:

  1. Cheap to produse
  2. Easy to make big series
  3. Easy in mastering (with war losses of pilots, this very important)
  4. Battle ability is near to equal with germans planes, except turbo Me…

My bad, ill will add russia. Yess I would have to go with Britain myself. The Spitfire is an excellant plane, especially the Griffon-engined Spitfire which acheived the fastest speed by the Allies.

how can I change poll or can I?

I think you can’t :slight_smile: But, I already told my opinion, and I think none will be for Soviet planes :wink: Btw, Kojedub won the Me-262 on the LaG-5 :roll:

You should be able to change it but if not you can do it again with more countries.

I almost had to go with america…at the end of the war I think they had better fighter plans. But throughout the war Britian had much better fighter plans than America. So had to go for them

Hmmm… I know very good american bombers… but fighters? Can you make example and argument it?

P-51 Mustang was a great plane. Good enough to chase down a destroy the buzz bombs (V1 rockets). It was a very versaitile plane as will. Great fighter, could be adapted to and escort fighter or a tactial bombers. Plus had enough range to fly from english bases to berlin and back.

Ya good for long range escort, but the I think the Spitfire claimed most V1s,

Ya good for long range escort, but the I think the Spitfire claimed most V1s,[/quote]
i do not think the V1 are very effective during the war, many of them are either shoot down or very very inaccurate
but i will go with american P-51D too, they are so good they even used them in korean war

Ya good for long range escort, but the I think the Spitfire claimed most V1s,[/quote]
i do not think the V1 are very effective during the war, many of them are either shoot down or very very inaccurate
but i will go with american P-51D too, they are so good they even used them in korean war[/quote]

Ya, they also used the Spitfire for quite along time after the war.

P-51? :? Not a bad one ofcourse. Good speed, good weapons. But not good to be main fighter for any army. Pilots of air-division “Normandia-Neman” (French pilots in the Soviet Army) have few this planes, but prefer “spitfire” and “lag-5” They told, that P-51 is very difficult to drive and mastering. More, this plane was very expensive… In the conditions of war and lack of resources, production of this plane is useless…

Well the US didnt really have a lack of production problem. Also i think the first P-80’s saw just a bit of action before the war ended. The American Jet plane

The British Jet plane came out mid- 1944. But I think I heard that that was the only Allied Jet plane that flew in WW2.

America havn’t production problems, that’s true. But all war factories in America was (and now too) private property. In difference of Britain (JSC with goverment in the main holder) or Soviet Union (full goverment property). That means, the price of planes was more high in America, and war production need more money. The problems was, but not technological or with lack of resources. Problems was economical.

More, I think the Russian plane “U-2” was a great plane (not best, of course) That was a simply wood plane named “night bomber”. This plane was making in the interior factories. But that plane was really “head-ill” of German. The wood body is bad from many points, but have a some great - explosive ammo, when shot such plane go through it and don’t explode. And the bullets easy go throw body without any damage. Only weak point - engine and pilot. But enemy must be sniper to shot such small target. Soviet has many excellent plans in ww2, but only for U-2 after war was made sculptures, and we have many songs about it…

About Jet planes. Only German using jet planes in ww2. But Russia and America made a good prototypes at the end of war. Soviet “Mig” series was ideal fighter to drop down alltypes of American planes in Korea…

No, Britain did make the first Allied Jet plane mid-1944, built to combat V1s and ME-262, however no ME-262 and the british jet plane (i forgot name) was ever recorded in combat.

The British Jet plane came out mid- 1944. But I think I heard that that was the only Allied Jet plane that flew in WW2.[/quote]

I stand corrected the P-80 was finished before the end of WW2 and shipped to Europe but did not see any combat. By the time of the Korean War it was obsolete. The American then had the F-81 Sabre

More on P-80’s

From my information British, American and Soviet jet planes was only prototypes, not series planes. And I can’t find any clue in German pilots books that his enemy was an jet planes…

If you go on that same site listed above, click planes 1940-1950 and then click on UK Meteor, thats the plane I am talking about.

The P-80 didnt see combat but could have. Im pretty sure that the British Meteor did see a bit of combat at the end of the war. I dont know of any Me-262 vs Meteor battles.