An average day in Tennessee.

I was minding my own business, sweeping out the garage and then here comes a truck, pulling into my drive. I ordered some boots, but that doesnt look much like boots. Ah, it must be that new toy I ordered…

Its a Naval Carronade, (reproduction) a pattern used in the mid 1800’s. Although it can be fired, it looks fine on the floor in my front room.

Carronade delivered 002.JPG

Carronade delivered 003.JPG

Carronade delivered 006.JPG

Carronade delivered 010.JPG

Do you have a problem with Pirates in Tennesse Tankgeezer? :smiley:

Oh and please tell me it works, if it does i’ll happily volunteer to help you crew it!

Looking good. Where are you going to put it?

Aye Matey we do indeed, the Tennessee River is rife with piracy ! (well yuppies in powerboats anyway) although it can be fired, I have no plans at present to build a proper mount for it, but if I get bored this Fall, who knows…So it will sit in the front room for now.

Looks good…where did you get it from?

I remember seeing one of the cannons off Victory being fired at Pendennis castle. Exceptionally loud and lots of smoke. You could feel the vibration of it going off through the floor, a truly awesome spectacle seeing it fired.

It must have been incredible to see a Man o’ War firing a broadside back in those days.

Some people have too much time and money on their hands. :wink: :smiley:

Doesn’t Walmart have smaller and cheaper doorstops? :smiley:

A mate of a mate of mine has a rather larger but still well under full sized version of the wheeled cannon you have in your corner, which he fires from time to time on his country property. Apparently it makes a very satisfactory noise and removes impressive amounts of forest flora, and any fauna which happens to be in its path.

If your devious then mount it behind some blinds in your window and next time someone parks blocking your drive yell out “Raise the flaps and roll out the guns” then raise the blinds and wave.

Very nice.

RS* quote: “Doesn’t Walmart have smaller and cheaper doorstops?”

Normally yes, but at present they are all in the Congress, Senate, and White House. :wink:

There are a few different companies in the U.S. that make cannon, This one is from Hern Ironworks, then there is Southbend replicas, the others I dont recall. I chose a naval gun because they have more detail, and character.

Iron Yoeman: You might find this interesting, although it is hollywood pryotechnics, (the Victory has few real guns left, most are fiber glass props so I am told.) it is still impressive.


Thanx for the feedback.


You seem to draw your elected representatives from the same doorstop factory reject bin that we select ours. :frowning:

I do believe that they use the same "Feet of Clay " casting process. :wink:

Funny that, ours too it would seem.

Btw Tankgeezer, thanks for the those two links I thoroughly enjoyed them.

You’re welcome Iron, they are impressive. It would be something to see a battery of Bronze 42pounders fired at full charge. It’d be worth going deaf for a week.
I begin to think that there is a periodical available to politicians everywhere and by reading it they all manage to achieve a uniform level of buffoonish mediocrity.

Tennessee is a ways from TX but I second Iron Yeoman, I’ll man the gun with you.

T.G. taking the ‘Right to Bare Arms’ to another level. :lol: :wink:

He can bear it, if he can lift it. :wink: :smiley:

Were I yet in my strapping youth, (35) I could swing it’s 320lbs (thats 23 stone for the heathen among us ) over my shoulder like a groggery wench. These days though, I’m pleased to be able to move it so I can hoover the place. :wink: :slight_smile: